RSS, Short for ‘Really Simple Syndication’. RSS is a technology that is being used by millions of web users around the world to keep track of their favorite websites. Many people describe it as a news feed that you subscribe to. The RSS is the technology that provides you with a method of getting relevant and up to date information sent to you automatically in your email as soon as it was published. So, you can read it in when ever you like without return to the website. The RSS is very useful than the old days system like ‘Bookmarking’. ‘Bookmarking’ system is the manual tracking of the update on a website which is forcing you to return to the website regularly to see what have been added.

Why is RSS better than the ‘bookmarking’?
There is lots of problem or weakness with bookmarking. You as the web surfer had to do all the work for the updates and will be complicated when you are trying to track many websites in one time. You also in the risk of missing the information when you forget to check your bookmarks and also you end up seeing the same information on sites that don’t update very often and will impact to useless of your time.
The RSS like your assistant for collecting the information and let you know every time the update was happened. It’s mean that you never miss the important issue or information from your significant information source.

At the first time I used the RSS, I can feel that the RSS is very useful and saving my time in reading and tracking the update from my favorite websites. I am not the person who is always in internet network covering area; let’s say that I am the adventure person. With the combination between POP3 feature in my email hosting and the RSS, I can read the update from my entire favorite websites in the top of the mountain or in the middle of sea when I am traveling to some area. I just need a few minutes connection to the internet for downloading the receiving email (from feed reader), then I can read it offline.

There are lots of methods to subscribe to, but I will tell you the easiest way like what I have done. Many sites enable you to subscribe to RSS feeds via email which you can see in my sidebar. There is a field where you can enter your email address to get daily email of my latest post. You can unsubscribe at anytime you want. Your email will kept private and will never used for any kind of purpose than to send these daily updates.

Note: For the people who is in the country or area which only have small internet covering area, the combination email agent software (pop3 enable in your email hosting) and the RSS is very useful and effective. It will enable you to read the updates from your information source website at anywhere in your own time.
HTML is short for “HyperText Markup Language”. It’s the predominant markup language for webpages, and text file containing small markup tags. The markup tags tell the web browser how to display the pages. You can create the HTML file by using the simple text editor like Notepad (windows) or Simple Text (Mac). Then you can save it with the extension .htm or .html

To explain about the details of HTML tags, it will take long article for that purpose. And will spend a month just to write about it. To be an expert in HTML, it’s need time and patient for learning about the HTML. These are the websites which will be useful for the detail information and lesson about the HTML:

If the explanation or the recommended websites spin your head, there is lot of template available to download for your webpage or website which is free. But to know little bit about the HTML will make you easier to edit your webpage for nice view at least.

Hope it will help you to know little bit in HTML…. Good luck my friends…
I really want to be a success person on internet business. I want to have the big revenue (passive income) in my life with only putting a simple ideas and knowledge in place. I also want to see the other person around me to have nice life and happy days. I think everybody have that desire also. But how can I make it?
When I was a child, I see lot of people making money from his/her computer by writing and doing some trick only. With lot of knowledge, skill, relation, ability, and some tool (computer, good software, and internet connection), they can make their revenue in big scale. I have a dream to be a person like them. That is me when I was child, but I am not a boy anymore. I am a man now, I optimist that I can be a success man.
I try to find out in the internet about “how to make money online”. Then I found lot of website/blog explains about that purpose. I also found that there is lot of forums which is discussing about that. I felt that I am in front of the door to make my dream to be real in my life.
First of all, because I am not a programmer and not really understand about the website programming, I begin this project by creating a blog (what you see now). This project aspirated by some websites and blog which was I visited.
They (website/blog) are explaining about the basic thing which is needed to be a success blogger. The first important thing is a talent. You must consider about your talent when you want to start creating a success website/blog. The important talent in blogging is “intelligence”, and your pleasure. You will not be success if you against yourself, just follow your feeling with positive thinking.
The other basic thing needed is a decent functional understanding of variety of web technologies. You need to now which basic technologies are “key” to start a success website/blog. These are some basic technologies as significant:

- RSS/syndication
- Feed aggregators
- Pings
- Track backs
- Search engine
- Search engine optimization
- Page rank
- Tagging
- Social bookmarking
- Traffic statistics
- Email
- Blog carnival
- Blog publishing software
- contextual advertising
- Affiliate programs
- Podcasting
- Instant messaging

Yes, that was a lot for learning or to be expert of them. I don’t want to make you shock, but that is the things you must understand if you want to be a success blogger in monetizing your blog/website.
Hope you can be a success blogger in monetizing a blog.
I will try to explain about the technologies above in my next articles….
All of us know that the traffic is very important for the website value and internet marketing. And we also know that the SEO rank is depending to the level of the traffic on the website. The way to introduce or expose the website is submit the website into the submission website/directory. But after the submitting of the website, there is one question will come to us. How to make the people interest to visit our website when we publish the post…?
For me, keyword and the nice word for the title is the first answer. Try to choose the word which will make the people anxious to find out about the content or the neat of that title. It will give you good traffic to your website.
The second thing, the title must use the keyword which is popular in the search engine. This kind of method needs the keyword master ability. Of course it’s not easy and need kindly of big effort.
There are lots of website which will guide you to be a keyword master. You also can learn by reading the other blogger title or learn the technique for making the article title from the article title in magazine. Remember….. The mistake is first step to the success; don’t give up before you try something…..
There is lot of website or PPC program which is offering the good stream of income. But most of them not guide their member how to maximize the earning. I did the review of one website or publishing program which is new for me. I found that this program used by lot of top blogger for their website income. supporting their member to review the ads or banner to maximizing the performance of the banner/ads. They are providing the automatic and manual setting of the banner. They also provide the tool to estimate/predict the efficiencies and the earning from the banner in their member website. So, their member can easily modify or change the keyword or text which will showing in their member website in manual banner setting.
I feel very happy with this kind of method to guide the blogger for improving the blogger skill in choosing the keyword on ads. This kind of guidance is helping me in writing the article especially for making the title of article. offering the ads in four ways, by IAB, RSS, Tags cloud, and Inline texts. You can choose the suitable one for your website. Or, it does will be better if you can combine the features to increase the stream of income. Hope this program will make me thinks harder for the better future of online business, and can share the knowledge with you for what ever I learn in this kind of money maker business online. Let grow together for to have better future in this small world…..
Lot of kindly method to write or creating the article, but there is a little article which is valuable and has good content. This is because lot of blogger need to write the article to maintain their blog, but they don’t know what will their writing there. Lot of blogger said that we need to write around 15 articles with 250 – 750 words to publish it in a week. This is a strategy for generate more search engine traffic. For the beginner, they will ask himself about how to make it?
Of course it’s not easy for the beginner. But reading lot of other blog article will make you have the idea about what you will write in your next article. Don’t give up to early, there is a place for the beginner blogger who is have strong spirit to be a famous blogger there.
Be understood that the audience need to know who you are, and what you want to share with them. So, allowing the people to know who you will makes it possible to build a relationship with your audience. That will make your audience like you or your article. When they know who you are, they will feel very close to you and will wait for your next article. Make your audience as your friend, and feel free to develop yourself in the same time with your audience.
By this way of writing method, it’s will make better communication between you and your audience. More communication means better connections with your audience, which mean more repeat traffic and more referral traffic.
Never feel that your article is not valuable, but you need to think how to make your next article to be more interested to your audience. Please be focus to your audience need…
You know that the traffic is very important thing for a success blogger. All the blogger wish his/her blog have high traffic for the better dealing with the advertiser. There is lot of kindly method and things to get the high traffic for the website.
For building or increasing the traffic need the passion and big effort. One of the ways to made it is creating lot of article with nice content which will interact the readers. Some of the blogger did in bad way to reach the huge content for his/her blog to get the high traffic. They use copy paste system to make the article in their blog. For me, it’s really not respectfully and really bad method.
The best way to make the article is reading the other website article and makes your own article based on the article you red from the other websites. Thing way is more proud and praised than stealing the other persons articles. Lot of blogger ( beginner ) use this kind of method to make the article for their blog.
The other thing you need to focus is about the title of your article. You must think about the word which will make the reader want to know what did you wrote there. This thing is very close to the keyword and tags. So, choice your nice word and be remember that the title must make the readers feel different.
To write the good value of the article need the feeling of human being. You must think about your audience need and purpose. You not need to have lot of article, but you must have a good quality article if you want to have high traffic. Strong content is universally valued. Of course it’s not easy to create the article like that. But in the long run it generates lots of the long term referral traffic.
All of us know that there is lot of contains in the internet already, but there is always a place for the content with good quality to stands out form the crowd. Be remember again, each time you write the article, you must focus on writing the best content you can.
The long term strategy for increase the traffic by creating the article with was very useful in long time. Maybe some of the website write about what is happen now, but are the readers will read it in another 3 or 4 years later? You know better than me about this thing.
Did you make your article originally? Did you want to have long term high traffic?
Please think about that…….
What is Scam?
Scam is the program or the website which is only spending your time or money. Here is the characteristic of scam.
1. The program or website which is always asks you to pay for processing fees or other clerical fees.
2. The program or website which is doesn’t giving you enough information or you must pay for the information. You should be able to ask question to know everything about the program for free.
3. The program or the website not has the forum or the page for placing the question or communication with them.
You can check the program or the website which was you think a scam with searching the information in the other website to make you easy to build your scam list.
Perhaps this information will help you to avoid the scam. I will try to inform you in my other article.
There are lot of method to increase the traffic or visitor to the website ( or blog ). Some of the method is to write the good content of the article. But the problem is how to tell/show the other that you have the good article to read…?
Maybe you forgot or didn’t know yet to register your URL or website or blog to the search engine. Here I suggest you to register to the good search engine.
Submit your URL or Website or Blog to the Google search engine at:
Don’t miss it, or your blog will not be famous….. Good luck my friend.

I just received the confirmation email for the approval for my blog from “Bloggerwave” several hours ago. I feel very happy to join with their program. This is my first paid per post program. I toke the first step with Coke zero company which their motto is “life as it should be”. I was the one of millions people in this world who drink this kind of soft drink because it’s real taste, zero sugar, and very easy to find any where.
I hope this opportunities will be my first step to be a true blogger for earning the money from blogging…..
For some blogger in several country ( e.g. Indonesia ) cannot have the features from Google adsense. Lot of Indonesian blogger was disappointed for it, I face with that problem also.
I do several survey and visiting to some websites and forums fro this issue, but no one can help me to answer the question. At the end of my surfing to find out the solution for this problem, I found lot of alternative method to making money with ads….
The alternative program for the ad is “BIDVERTISER”. This program have the same way of work like google adsense. So, don’t be sad my friend, we still can use BIDVERTISER for our PTC ( Paid per Click ) program to earn money online.
If you feel better now, you can try to join with this program on ….
And also I found some of other program which is interested. I will try it and tell you about this new thing…..
Earning money while I am discussing about something with the other....hmmm.... sound nice. This website called "mylot". The user will earn money when he/she active on the discussion with the other member. You can share your experience ar ask something with the other..
Do you interest for this kind of method to earn money online?.....
Feel free to join by clicking here :
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To make the website or blog valuable is very close with the traffic meter on the site/blog. All the blogger try to raise their site traffic with many kind of way. The pro blogger have lot of their audience and visitor every day because they are famous. But for the beginner, it difficult to have the traffic because of one reason, the audience doesn’t now you. And there is no link to expose the site by the other.
I found one program which is very useful to expose or introduce your website to the other blogger. This program called AUTOSURF which you can find in .
This program is very easy, simple, but gives your site more benefit. You just register on the site, and then you go to the gain credit site, and just leave it alone.. The autosurf will work by him self to put your website in the rotation before your site to be view to the others while he collect the credit for you automatically. It’s easy, right….?
So what are you waiting for, let go to the top…. Sign up here : .
There is lot of way to earn money from the internet. I have tried to visit lot of website which offering online business. I did the survey for some of them, and I found one program which is easy and simple to implement, but offering big interest/money without spending any money or free sign up. This program called AGLOCO.
AGLOCO is the company which is growing and running based on online business. This Program is very simple and easy, you will get paid while you are surfing.
We always pay for surfing in the internet ( internet connection cost ), but do we able to get paid when we are surfing in the internet?
Do you want to be paid without working?
I think that all the people want it, including me, you your family member, and the people around you. The only thing is maybe you and the other people around you don’t now the way to get it.
Once again, this program is very easy and simple. You only need install the software in your computer or your office computer, and run the program when your computer connected into the internet.
To earn money from this program, you must register it first. The easiest way to register is just click to this address : . Then download/install the viewbar software. Run this software and login with your userID/email, and then you can surf in the internet like normal. While you surf, the AGLOCO pay you. It’s very easy, isn’t it...........?
The money that you can earn is US$15 /month if you not have the down line member. But if you have the member under you, you will get US$3 /month/person. Your member must do the same thing like you did ( register, install, login, and running the software ).
Maybe you have a question or doubt about the safety of the data in your computer, don’t be afraid........ AGLOCO will keep it confidentially, that is their commitment. The AGLOCO. In my opinion, this program is collecting the data for the search engine and advertising survey purpose.
Do you want to get free money with only surfing in the internet like a normal? Don’t miss this opportunity….. Sign Up Here : , VERY EASY...................

iklan atas

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