Lot of kindly method to write or creating the article, but there is a little article which is valuable and has good content. This is because lot of blogger need to write the article to maintain their blog, but they don’t know what will their writing there. Lot of blogger said that we need to write around 15 articles with 250 – 750 words to publish it in a week. This is a strategy for generate more search engine traffic. For the beginner, they will ask himself about how to make it?
Of course it’s not easy for the beginner. But reading lot of other blog article will make you have the idea about what you will write in your next article. Don’t give up to early, there is a place for the beginner blogger who is have strong spirit to be a famous blogger there.
Be understood that the audience need to know who you are, and what you want to share with them. So, allowing the people to know who you will makes it possible to build a relationship with your audience. That will make your audience like you or your article. When they know who you are, they will feel very close to you and will wait for your next article. Make your audience as your friend, and feel free to develop yourself in the same time with your audience.
By this way of writing method, it’s will make better communication between you and your audience. More communication means better connections with your audience, which mean more repeat traffic and more referral traffic.
Never feel that your article is not valuable, but you need to think how to make your next article to be more interested to your audience. Please be focus to your audience need…

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